What’s New -
Author Joe Bonadonna has posted yet another extensive review at the Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature website. This is for Lawyers in Hell, which features my story Plains of Hell. He calls my tale a ‘rousing yarn’.
What’s New -
My Lovecraftian short story The Pariah is now available to read for free at the Lovecraft eZine. You can find it here.
What’s New -
Author Joe Bonadonna posted his review of Rogues in Hell over at the Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature website, in which he specifically mentions my story Colony as his favourite. Nice.
What’s New -
My story pitch for the next volume in the Heroes in Hell series, titled Poets in Hell, has been approved by series editor Janet Morris. No story title as of yet, though. Currently I have some ten anthology invites on the go, which is good. Finding the time to write for all of them is another matter. FanExpo is coming this August, with some great guests. I plan to attend. Hope it happens.
What’s New -
I sold a Dalacroy and Moirya tale to an upcoming anthology titled Heroes All, from new publisher Fantom Enterprises. It’s been a while since this couple has seen print, so it’s nice to have them back in action. The story is called Standard Diplomacy, and should appear Spring of 2014.
On the flipside, a story I figured had an excellent chance of landing in a Time Travel reprint anthology was rejected. Disappointing, as it originally appeared in the now defunct Paradox: The Magazine of Historical & Speculative History, no mean publication. Their loss.
Sadly, author Andrew J. Offutt passed away on April 30, 2013. In his prolific career
he wrote several superior Conan and Cormac Mac Art pastiches as well as creating
the character Hanse Shadowspawn for the Thieve’s World series. Janet Morris likened
Hanse as Andrew’s alter-