What’s New -
Poets in Hell was released last month. This volume is the 17th book in the long running, HUGO award winning series.
Here you will find “the best, the worst, and ugliest bards in perdition vying for Satan's favour as poets slam one another, Satan's Fallen Angels smirk up their sleeves, and the illiterati have their day.”
Features my story Hell-
What’s New -
Not much happening lately, though I did give an interview a couple of months back after the release of Poets in Hell. It can be found at the Library of Erana. In it I talk about writing for Janet Morris, authors who have influenced me and the writing process.
What’s New -
Poets in Hell continues to sell well and has garnered great reviews. Here are a couple of sample comments:
“If you like your tales of darkness served neat, over hot coals, and with a brimstone
chaser, then this anthology is for you.” -
“Every single story has a unique feel to it and every single author’s talents are
exemplified in each individual tale.” -
Joe Bonadonna, one of the authors of Poets, wrote an in depth article for Black Gate Magazine where he provides a synopsis of each story. You can read it here.
My story Hell-
What’s New -
I am please to announce my short story Hell-